Friday, March 2, 2012

Homemade Detergent and Fabric Softener

The detergent yields about 6 gallons or more(depending on how thin you want it) and the fabric softener makes enough to fill (2) 90 load Downy bottles. All together I spent about $16.00 for EVERYTHING and I have never been able to find something else that works so well on my husband's work clothes. Did I mention my husband works in coal yards?

Homemade Laundry Detergent Recipe

1 bar of Fels Naptha soap, grated

4 cups of hot water to melt the soap

3 gallons of hot water

1 cup of borax

2 cups of washing soda

1 cup of baking soda(I use oxyclean instead)

*I also add a little fabric softener to mine for smell, you can use a several drops of essential oil too. I have been thinking about using tea tree oil since it's also really good for skin and smells great.

1 large Rubbermaid container at least 4-5 gallons size, I have a 10 gallon one that I use. You can keep it in that or put it into left over jugs that you have saved.

Here’s what you do:

Grate the soap into a saucepan. You can use either a box grater or a food processor for this.

Add 4 cups of hot water to the pan. Simmer on low until the soap melts completely into the water. This is where I also add my fabric softener to the mix.

Add borax, washing soda and baking soda to the hot water. Simmer on low until it dissolves with the soap. If the mixture is not melting, add more water if needed.

Add 3 gallons of hot water to the large container. Add the mixture to the hot water. Mix with a large spoon until it completely dissolves.

Let cool overnight. You will notice that it turns into a thick gel. Use 1 cup of this homemade laundry detergent per load of laundry. You may need to shake it or stir a little per use but it works wonders for Ryan's coal clothes.

Fabric Softener

What You’ll Need:

6 cups HOT water

3 cups white vinegar

2 cups Conditioner (scent of your choice. I used suave daily clarifying and I think it smells like a fresh linen scent)

What You’ll Do:

Mix conditioner & hot water well, until conditioner is dissolved completely.

Add the vinegar, and mix well.

Store in a large container {empty fabric softener container, empty large vinegar bottle, etc}

Pour into a downy ball or use approx. 2 tbsp per load.

These can be used in high efficiency and top or front load washers!

1 comment:

  1. I never thought of using conditioner in a fabric softener recipe. We would use vinegar in a downy ball because Chris is allergic to most fabric softeners. Might try this whole recipe. I'm sure the conditioner would make it smell better!
