Step 1:
Open the photo that you are wanting to add a color pop to and then click on the "Channels" tab.
Step 2:
Holding down CTRL, click on the RGB Layer. This will highlight pixels as shown in the photo.
Step 3:
With any tool except the magnifying glass selected, Right click anywhere on the photo and select "Layer via Copy"
Step 4:
After you have done the previous step of making a copy layer, click on the "Layers" tab. Your layer will appear above the background layer as shown. With the Layer selected, click on the Layers pull down tab and select "Overlay" If you click the eyeball icon on and off you will see a difference. To add even more, simply copy the layer as many times as you'd like(CTRL+J) You can also adjust the Opacity to your preference. When you are finished, simply flatten the image and save.
Here is my finished product with the before and after:
I also added a small vignette to it as well.